After his impressive feat, other guests crowded about him asking James about his travels with Pokémon. When he explained he had two badges and that his journey was at its close people were flabbergasted. They insisted he was too talented to conclude his journey and pointed out how engaged and energetic he had been during each and every battle! Even the captain of the ship complimented him. James was surprised by their praise; perhaps he wouldn't return quite yet. After all there was a gym in Vermilion City, he might as well challenge it while he was in town.
My new project shiftingexpectations.com is live now! The project is exploring essential movies or more specifically examining so called "must watch movies" and what we can learn from them about film, about life, and about society. You can find the project's podcast on the website and basically anywhere you find podcasts (I usually use player.fm so I can listen to shows at triple speed). I am so excited to share this project and invite everyone to watch the movies along with us and share your experiences with us as we go!