Sunday, December 1, 2019

Day 64 - Pokémon X Begin

Christine had been both excited and nervous about moving to the Kalos region. Excited because she had only heard wonderful things about Kalos and how beautiful it was, and nervous becuase she was worried she would have difficulty making friends there. When she arrived she was pleasantly surprised to be welcomed by 4 kids around her age and to be gifted a Pokémon, Froakie, by her mothers old friend and the region's professor, Professor Sycamore. Christine and her new friends immediately made plans to tour the region so Christine could experience its majesty personally.

These games are when Pokémon made the leap into 3D for the first time. Although I loved the ctyle and character of the generation 5 art, it is a captivating transition. At this point I am just over 2 months into this project and I have already completed 8 games, so about a game a week. I completed the first 4 games ahead of schedule and the back 4 I completed roughly on time. Which means I am still ahead of schedule overall which bodes well for the entirety of the project. Here's to another 10 months and 26 games of smooth playing!

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