Friday, November 1, 2019

Happy Annibirthary Alissa

Today is my wife's Birthday and our 6th wedding anniversary. As one if my gifts to Alissa I am taking the day off from Pokémon tomorrow while we celebrate and instead of a usual post today I dedicate this post to the love of my life.

I love and adore you Alissa. I love who you are and love who you are becoming. It has been magical to watch you blossom and grow over the past year in so many ways. You are a brilliant and deep thinker, and I enjoy our many talks about the world and the philosophical. I admire how you have let the challenges you have faced over the course of our 6 years together mold you into becoming a more caring and kind person. I love your capacity to listen to others and to honestly consider their opinion and your effort to understand their perspective even if it is far from your own. I find your ever constant desire to serve others and your instinctual reaction to say yes to just about any request for help both fascinating and admirable. Thank you for always encouraging me to be creative and to pursue my numerous and seemingly never ending dreams. Thank you for your patience with me and my many quirks. And thank you for striving to always improve and never settle. You know I have never been one to call our 6 years of marriage easy, to be honest I still consider marriage the hardest thing I have ever done. But I am glad I get to take that challenge on with you! You make my life and our marriage a delight. I love you and I always will.

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