Monday, September 30, 2019

Day 2 - Career Day

On Day 2 Chuck (Charles) masqueraded as a pirate (S.S. Anne), tried out janitorial work (Vermillion Gym), and went spelunking (Rock Tunnel). He was really unsure of which career best fit him and his team. Hank really took to all of them, even evolving into a Parasect while pirating. Bobby was overwhelmed by pirating at first but than learned a Bubble Beam technique and evolved to revel the activity. Spot finally began fitting in with the team during the sanitation stint. Jean didn't really take to any of the activities... and neither did Chuck really. The wise 11 year-old recognized he had his whole life to discover and try countless careers and didn't need to rush the decision. As circumstance would have it the day ended with Chuck finding Scott, an Eevee, who just like him had a future of options ahead of him!

Choosing a career is a huge decision and one I feel people too often make for the wrong reasons: Money, Tradition, or even Skill. At this point in my life as I am beginning the process of reinventing myself and returning to college I am realizing something and I want to share that something. Don't worry, I am not going to tell you to follow your passion even if it puts you broke in a ditch. No, I just want to ask you to take your time, let yourself try new things, and when you eventually decide on something let a part of yourself keep exploring forever.

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